It's really bad giving someone misdirection for their lives!
As you all may know I once changed my field form medical engineering to physical therapy after I had studied two years of the first one ...Lots of people told me not to be stupid and stay in my own field but well I was stupid enough to do quit my field!
I was doing it all to change my field to dentistry but I didn't get what I wanted. It was at the end of that summer that they announced the fields everyone was accepted for, and mine was my last choice I had written just in case I was not accepted for dentistry!
Then there was the idea that I go somewhere out of Iran and study dentistry, we made some calls and we found out that it's not gonna happen in that semester. So I had this opportunity that I'd go and see if I liked physical therapy in that semester and there was nothing to lose coz if I didn't like it I'd still be going somewhere in the next semester...
There were these -beep- professors we had that just admired the field and they always told us about the plenty of patients out there who need us and that we are so lucky that we are so small in number that none of us will ever be jobless. They never said a word about the hard work and disrespect we were gonna face.
Now four year's passed and once again I'm thinking about studying dentistry!!
I think about all the time I wasted on this -beep- field.
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