I believe we're just MADE who we are. There's been no decision in that! You don't really DECIDE to be good or bad or special or normal. I know it might seem funny to you. But don't you judge me before you read till the end.First there are the genes that you don't really have a choice for.
And then any individual has some kind of a history of their own since the moment they are conceived...the way everybody around have treated them, things they did that brought them others' applause, things that brought them punishment...what their parents thought of good or bad...the friends they could get along with, and their manners...see? even their heroes are the ones they think are the best because of the way they're grown,or..or the people that they think CHANGE their life,are the ones that they just TEND to be affected by,because of who they have already become.
I think you cannot expect anyone to be anything they are not.
PLEASE do tell me what you think.
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